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Nov. 3, 2021

Ida Linehan Young: The North Harbour Writer

Tobin chats with North Harbour Author, Ida Linehan Young about how she started writing books, and how she continues to come up with more ideas for her books. 

Ida discusses writing her first book about a fire in North Harbour that ended up taking five members of her family and how it took her a long time to get the details of the story.  

Ida also talks about her latest book, "The Stolen Ones" and what her future plans are for her books. 

You can buy Ida's latest  book Here

Check  Out the Full Video Interview Here


Ida Linehan Young Profile Photo

Ida Linehan Young


Ida Linehan Young is an author from Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. By day she works in the information technology sector of the federal government and by night she likes to explore her imagination with a pen in her hand.

She enjoys researching the history of my beloved birthplace and writing historical fiction that keeps the past alive for generations to come.

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