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Lisa LaFlamme

Lisa LaFlamme Profile Photo

Broadcaster/ Journalist

Lisa Laflamme is a Canadian television journalist, and currently the chief anchor and senior editor of CTV National News. She replaced Lloyd Robertson in this role on September 5, 2011.[1] LaFlamme previously served as the news international affairs correspondent and substitute host for CTV National News

Dec. 24, 2020

Christmas in Covid (with Special Guests)

In the 100TH Episode of Tobin Tonight, we celebrate Christmas, a very different kind of Christmas, Christmas in COVID. We reached out to past guests and got their input on what Christmas means to them. What are some of their...
Dec. 15, 2017

A Very Tobin Christmas (with Special Guests)

Twas The Podcast Before Christmas and all was alright, Tobin had gotten his guests for Tobin Tonight! Here it is Folks, Our Season 2 Christmas Special! We called in a few favors, safe to say these guest will be changing their...
June 4, 2017

Lisa LaFlamme: CTV's Wonder Woman

Tobin chats with the very talented CTV Senior Chief Correspondent and News Anchor, Lisa LaFlamme on the podcast. Lisa talks to us about her career, how she began in the industry, and her start at the University of Ottawa (I h...
Guest: Lisa LaFlamme