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March 21, 2017

Ennis Sisters: Newfoundland's Daughters

   In this episode of Tobin Tonight, I head home to Newfoundland to chat with some of OUR local talents making names for themselves in the entertainment industry.   With over 20+ years in the industry, including a JUNO Award in 2002 I figured it was a good starting point to welcome Karen, Maureen, Teresa Ennis also known as the Ennis Sisters to the show. 

   The three talk about their career,  who is the most demanding and whinest, and just have an easygoing chat on how three females from Newfoundland became mainstays in the music scene in the province. 

Check It Out Here

Ennis Sisters Profile Photo

Ennis Sisters


With a Juno Award, SOCAN Award, multiple East Coast Music Awards, and Music Newfoundland and Labrador Awards, The Ennis Sisters are Maureen, Karen and Teresa. Their extensive discography spans multiple musical explorations: including; Stages (2015), The Fortunate Ones (2012), Lessons Learned (2009), Be Here For Awhile (2007), Can’t Be The Same (2003), Ennis Sisters (2001), Three (2000), Christmas On Ennis Road (1998), and Red Is The Rose (1997). Their video “Sing You Home,” was featured for The Rooms’ 100th Anniversary of WW1 Battle of Beaumont Hamel Campaign won provincial, national, and international awards.

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