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July 6, 2017

Michael Landsberg: Mental Health Awareness

Tobin chats with Michael Landsberg about raising Mental Health Awareness, Sick Not Weak, and how it all started with a guest on Off the Record (OTR) and fan support.

We get personal with Landsberg and discuss his depression and how he copes with it day to day. He talks to us on why he spoke out and what he feels society needs to do to help those suffering.

We also talk about how he feels when Mental Health is used as a scapegoat for school or mass shootings.

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Michael Landsberg Profile Photo

Michael Landsberg

Broadcaster / Mental Health Advocate

Michael Landsberg is a Canadian sports journalist and the former host of TSN's, First Up with Landsberg and Colaiacovo, and former host of TSN's Off the Record with Michael Landsberg from 1997 to 2015.

Landsberg suffers from generalized anxiety disorder and depression.[5] Landsberg is a supporter for mental health awareness and is trying to popularize the hashtag #sicknotweak in tribute to his mental illness. Landsberg has since transformed #sicknotweak from a trending topic to a movement with the launch of – a forum for those suffering from depression and a resource for those supporting a loved one who needs help.[6]

Landsberg has been an ambassador for Bell Let's Talk, an initiative focused on raising awareness and encouraging dialogue about mental health, since the initiative launched in 2011. Landsberg also started SickNotWeak

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